5 flights of stairs + lots of stuff = HORRIBLE
So, Moving in NY..
haven't covered this have we.
Candace, Sarah, remember when we drove all the way to NYC to move me out here?
Remember how awesome you were and how many boxes and suitcases we drug up 5 staircases??
Oh how I love you and your strong thighs!
Moving up 5 flights of stairs is well.... nightmarish. Talk about exhaustion. Like the kind where you've been abandoned by your crew and you're hanging from a cliff on Mt. Everest.... kind of exhaustion.
We spent this past weekend moving, wishing we had less stuff and setting up new stuff in the apartment. I walked 5 flights I'd estimate approximately 30 times.
I also carried items of all sizes.
We hired one mover, who helped Aaron carry a section couch, a large TV, an entertainment center & other miscellaneous LARGE items up our stairs.
But it's over now. I swear I'm never moving again (yeah right)!
Once we get all settled in, I'll post pics.